Writing is my passion. It’s my dream to be able to one day make a living as an author. It’ll take time, dedication, and probably a healthy portion of luck.

My brain isn’t capable of sticking to one thing at a time, so these are some of my current writing projects.

The Afterlife Occurrence

An urban fantasy novel, set in an alternate version of our world. This is looking like it will be a two-book series, but the second book is in limbo while I argue with myself on how things are supposed to go. I’m currently losing that argument..

The Fantasy Project

An epic fantasy series. The first book project I started planning, and fifteen years later, I’m still not done building this world. It may be slow going, but I know I’ll get there eventually.


A post-apocalyptic science fiction series with cyberpunk vibes. This is the project taking up most of my time right now.

The Legacy Collection

A pet-project of mine. Will mainly be a series of short stories set in an alternate world. Only one has currently been written, and that has also been published via Smashwords.